It is a non- invasive skin treatment system that performs 3 actions to dissolve impurities and other skin complication. It supplies various nourishment to the skin , resulting in reduced pores size and rejuvenated skin.

Intensive Aqua Infusion Facial is designed for all skin types and is especially suitable for those with a Low pain threshold through a simultaneous action of a gentle mechanical exfoliation as well as infusion of specially designed topical solutions.

这是一种非侵入性皮肤治疗系统,执行3个程序以溶解杂质和其他皮肤并发症。 它为皮肤提供各种营养,从而缩小毛孔大小,使皮肤焕发青春。

Intensive Aqua Infusion Facial专为所有类型的皮肤而设计,尤其适用于通过轻柔的仪器去角质并同时注入专门设计的局部解决方案而产生的低疼痛阈值的皮肤。

All -Skin (AS)

All -Skin Topical Solutions cleanse skin deeply while softening sebum and impurities. It dislodges dead skin cells and provides residual hydration to firm and smoothen skin.

All-Skin外用溶液深层清洁皮肤,同时软化皮脂和杂质。 它清除死皮细胞并提供残留的水分,以紧实和抚平皮肤。

Salicylic Acid (SA)


Salicylic Acid Topical Solution is specially formulated to treat oily and acne prone skin with active ingredients to dive deep into the pores to exfoliate and eliminate acne – causing bacteria.


Anti-Oxidant (AO)


Anti-Oxidant Topical Solution is formulated with stabilised Vitamin A and E and White Tea Extract to combat free radicals and environmental damage for rejuvenated and radiant skin.


How it works


Deep Cleaning 深层清洁

Emitted solution will circulate in whirlpool motion for longer contact durat.


Intensive Aqua Hydration 密集水合保湿

Intensive hydration with circular motion infusion.


Edge Line Solution 边缘线解决方案

Rapidly absorbed solutions will dissolve impurities deep in the skin.


Sensedebelle – Slimming, Facial & Hair Removal

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